Best practice

Showing results 21 - 30 of 53

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Jonathan Samuel Fenn, Nathan Lorde, John Martin Ward, Ingrid Borovickova

30 April 2021

Development of a qualitative real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: a guide and case study in setting up an emergency-use, laboratory-developed molecular microbiological assay
Melis N Anahtar, Bennett M Shaw, Damien Slater, Elizabeth H Byrne, Yolanda Botti-Lodovico, Gordon Adams, Stephen F Schaffner, Jacqueline Eversley, Graham E G McGrath, Tasos Gogakos, Jochen Lennerz, Hetal Desai Marble, Lauren L Ritterhouse, Julie M Batten, N Zeke GeorgantasSee the full list of authors

28 May 2021