Clinical and laboratory characteristics of clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia referred to a national immunodeficiency clinic reveals a B-cell signature resembling common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)Mark James Ponsford, Rachael Steven, Kathyrn Bramhall, Mathew Burgess, Sonali Wijetilleka, Emily Carne, Frances McGuire, Colin R Price, Mo Moody, Soha Zouwail, Tayyeb Tahir, Daniel Farewell, Tariq El-Shanawany, Stephen R A Jolles
24 February 2020
Cystic neutrophilic granulomatous mastitis: an updateJessie M Wu, Gulisa Turashvili
24 February 2020
Challenges in molecular diagnosis of Wilson disease: viewpoint from the clinical laboratoryKok-Siong Poon, Zhe Hao Teo, Jun Hean Yap, Evelyn SC Koay, Karen Tan
3 December 2019
Periocular intraepithelial sebaceous neoplasia: critical appraisal of nomenclature and prognostic importanceCurtis Edward Margo
29 October 2019
Feasibility of combined screening for upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma risk by serology and Cytosponge testing: the SUGAR studyYiwang Xu, Ahmad Miremadi, Alexander Link, Peter Malfertheiner, Rebecca C Fitzgerald, Jan Bornschein
24 June 2019
Identification of patients with Pompé disease using routine pathology results: PATHFINDER (creatine kinase) studyTim M Reynolds, Karen Tylee, Kathryn Booth, Anthony S Wierzbicki, , Collaborators and research nurses as listed below, Taruna Likhari, Genessa Peters, Nicky McRobertm, Jamie Burbage, Nigel Capps, Louise Tonks, Tim Reynolds, Jane Reynolds, Clare MewlesSee the full list of authors
15 July 2019
Predictive value of AZGP1 following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: a cohort study and meta-analysisGitte Kristensen, Kasper Drimer Berg, Birgitte Grønkær Toft, Hein Vincent Stroomberg, Rosalie Nolley, James D Brooks, Klaus Brasso, Martin Andreas Roder
22 July 2019
Optimal sampling of pelvic lymphadenectomy specimens following radical prostatectomy: is complete tissue submission justified?Sarah Ni Mhaolcatha, Elaine Power, Nick Mayer, Susan Prendeville
1 June 2019
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation and therapeutic inhibitorsJonathan R Kerr
17 July 2019
Investigation and management of subfertilityLayla Thurston, Ali Abbara, Waljit S Dhillo
11 July 2019